Cadmium Blog - Events & Education Insights

CadCon 2015 Was a Huge Success!

Written by Michael Doane | Jul 29, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Last week, over 50 of our clients joined us for the first annual CadCon. If you were there, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping make this event a success. For those who couldn’t make it, we hope to see you next year.

The day began with attendees arriving from all over the country – from Chicago, to Dallas, to D.C. – and making themselves comfortable in CadmiumCD’s newly expanded office space in Forest Hill, MD. Some attendees even arrived on the CadmiumCD bus designed by graphic designer Rachel Vrankin and provided by Event Transportation Systems and ABC Imaging. We can’t thank Martha Dowd and Ron Levi enough for making this a possibility.

The Arrival

Attendees got acquianted with each other before the sessions began by going around the room and introducing themselves. It was full of fun laughter and lots of compliments.

The Introductions

Then Peter and Michelle Wyatt, co-founders of CadmiumCD, got down to business by introducing the newest developments from CadmiumCD. Some of the biggest updates included the improved statistics dashboard in the Abstract Scorecard, which allows users to see a vast amount of submission data across multiple years, and eventScribe 2.0, an updated version of the eventScribe app which introduces a new tiled homescreen design.

The New Product Features

Breakout sessions followed. Attendees had the chance to learn about products, features, tips and tricks first hand with project managers and developers. They also had the opportunity to play the CadCon scavenger hunt, browse the CadCon poster gallery, and network with other CadmiumCD users and employees before gathering in the main conference area for the keynote presentation.

The Scavenger Hunt

The keynote was a knock-out success about generational gaps in ideology in the workplace. Speaker Jon Goldman, CEO and founder of Brandlauncher, and his sidekick Ozzie Burnham were a powerhouse team dedicated to making the audience laugh, think, and get themselves involved in the presentation.

The Keynote

Lunch from a local favorite, Enotria’s Restaurant, provided attendees a nice way to relax and network with others. Some had already met from other industry events or at the pre-event dinner at Mountain Branch Grill and Pub the night before, but plenty of new connections were made as well!

Breakout sessions followed lunch. One of the most popular sessions was Paul Wedesky and Jeremy Sigmon’s “The Marriage of AV and Software,” which detailed how companies like GES and CadmiumCD are partnering to provide meeting planners on site solutions for managing speakers and updating data online and on signage around their conference instantly.

The Breakout Sessions

The day wrapped up with speed round sessions in which attendees got the opportunity to pitch ideas and ask questions to CadmiumCD employees, as well as bounce ideas off of one another. The discussions were lively, productive, and informative. It was amazing seeing how excited attendees were to share their knowledge about CadmiumCD products with other users.

CadCon Was a Huge Success!

All in all Cadcon was a big success! Next year’s Cadcon is tentatively scheduled for July 27-28, 2016, so keep your calendars open!

Photographs provided by EPNAC Event Photography. See the full catalog of pictures from CadCon here.

About Michael Doane

Michael Doane is head of marketing at CadmiumCD. He is focused on educating event planners about the benefits of implementing technology at their trade shows and conferences. Download his free eBook, “The Most Influential Advances in Event Technology“, then connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.