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Lecture Capture Solutions: 10 Shopping Tips

Written by Cadmium | Mar 10, 2022 1:00:00 PM

From speeches and discussions to guest speakers and special events, schools are relying on video more than ever. More than four in five US colleges use a lecture capture device to record educational material. This number is only expected to increase as student demands continue to rise.

All modern colleges need some type of lecture capture solution in their tech stack. Unfortunately, not all platforms are built equally nor with an equal number of features and integrations. When the time comes to pick the perfect lecture capture program, you’ll need to make sure it fits each one of your needs.

This article will explore the critical factors to look for while shopping for lecture capture software.

What lecture capture solutions are

Lecture capture solutions are a form of software that enables institutions to record, upload, and manage digital lectures. Although these programs are primarily used for online education, they're also a critical component of flipped classrooms and hybrid learning. Colleges often use lecture capture to record essential information in various formats, from livestreams to in-class conversations.

The best lecture capture solutions provide access to:

  • Ongoing collaboration and innovation between students and teachers
  • Mobile student learning from phones, tablets, and other devices
  • Video management for holistic online education
  • Data analytics to assist with C-level decision-making
  • Streaming for accountability and event management

Properly managing lecture capture solutions streamlines the educational process, bringing valuable insights to students, tech support, and administrative leaders.

Why you need lecture capture solutions

In a world constantly growing and changing, lecture capture solutions are critical for learning benchmarks. Not only are student interests shifting toward digital technologies, but school is also becoming increasingly hybrid in nature.

Here are a few benefits associated with lecture capture solutions.

Useful for flexibility

When it becomes necessary to reduce in-house attendance or alter traditional schedules, lecture capture may be used to provide a flexible alternative for students.

Assisting with learning

As students and educators work in tandem to develop subject mastery, lecture capture can be used to supplement current studies, develop working knowledge, and create ongoing opportunities for feedback.

Higher student grades

Researchers measuring the impact of recorded lectures found that students are more likely to get higher grades with captured video than in-class instruction alone.

Considered valuable by students

Although more traditional educators may have reservations about the impact of digital lectures, more students than ever are requesting access to educational videos and recordings.

Supporting current instructional models

Rather than replacing brick-and-mortar schools, lecture capture may be used to support current instructional models in the event of sickness or disruption.

Undoubtedly, lecture capture solutions within your educational structure are critical for ongoing success.

Ten tips while shopping for lecture capture solutions

To get the most out of lecture capture technology, you'll need to search for a platform that offers everything that you need, both now and in the future. Keep these tips in mind while shopping for your next lecture capture program

1. Cross compatibility

Be sure your students can access captured lectures from any system, including Mac, Windows, and iOS programs.

2. Integrations

Plug and play with thousands of potential add-ons in your educational tech stack.

3. Automatic recording capability

Reduce guesswork and assist learning educators with automations built into the platform.

4. Analytics for IT departments

Learn which integrations and workflows use the most resources and automatically adjust them as needed.

5. Functional scalability

Make sure your program of choice is scalable and fully capable of handling the future needs of your educational system.

6. Customizable APIs

Add new code in whatever format works best, and integrate solutions that serve your institution well.

7. Highly functional security

Provide instructors with the strongest level of security possible.

8. Organized media libraries

Make it easy to find and store lectures at a glance.

9. Accessibility

Be inclusive to international, disabled, or working students by selecting a lecture capture solution with closed captions, playback speeds, and other accessibility features.

10. Affordable cost for the long term

Lecture capture solutions may be more expensive in the fine print. Make sure the platform fits your budget, especially if you plan to upgrade later.

Warpwire is the only lecture capture solution that you need

The Warpwire team believes that having access to recorded lectures is a fundamental student right. They’ve developed lecture capture software made easy, enabling institutions to access:

  • Mobile capture
  • Live broadcast
  • Advanced sharing

Warpwire was built for modern universities, catering to a wide variety of media curation platforms and a full suite of LMS and CMS integrations. Thanks to powerful data analytics and metric dashboards, it helps some of the best schools in the country make their curricula even stronger.

Warpwire’s video platform provides analytics to help you track media assets, media libraries, and system-wide usage. Designed to explore engagement, Warpwire’s reports provide deep insight into how your institution interacts with media.

To see how we can help you better leverage your video content, get in touch with us today!