Cadmium Blog - Events & Education Insights

Gamify Your Next Conference with a Knowledge Hunt

Written by Michael Doane | Jul 3, 2014 4:00:00 AM

This year CadmiumCD created Knowledge Hunt, a new scavenger hunt game for the eventScribe® Mobile App. APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) was the first to gamify their conference using this feature. At their 41st annual conference in Anaheim, CA, attendees were excited to get their apps in hand and run around the trade show floor in search of QR codes to scan and questions to answer.

Fourteen strategic partners in all participated in the Knowledge Hunt games. They posted QR codes at their
exhibit hall booth, offering points to attendees could answer tough industry questions. Each day of the conference, new questions were added to the system, compelling attendees to revisit the booths and earn more points.

More points meant better prizes and an increased chance to win the prize raffle. Attendees who attempted all questions with at least 90 percent of their answers correct were entered to win either a gift certificate for registration to the APIC 2015 Conference, gift certificates for subscriptions to the APIC Text Online, or general gift cards ranging from $100 to $300.

CadmiumCD often showcases their newest app features at APIC. The Knowledge Hunt was created to engage attendees in a fun, interactive way and is only one eventScribe update featured on the APIC 2014 app.

“Since last year, we’ve made a lot of big changes to the app,” CadmiumCD CTO, Peter Wyatt said. “It’s grown tremendously since APIC 2013, and we continue to improve it every day.”

Audio and text notes on exhibitor profiles, finding booth locations on the floor plan from an exhibitor profile, indicating which booths attendees have visited on the floor plan, and printing out a one sheet colored map of the exhibitor hall with a list of favorites at the bottom are just some of the benchmarks CadmiumCD hit, says Wyatt.

To learn about additional features, read the press release here.

About Michael Doane

Michael Doane is head of marketing at CadmiumCD. He is focused on educating event planners about the benefits of implementing technology at their trade shows and conferences. Download his free eBook, “The Most Influential Advances in Event Technology“, then connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.